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Ryan Cidabutar

Ryan Cidabutar

Battlefront 2 tv tropes









































Samus Is a Girl: The Empire and the First Order have a lot of female stormtroopers, though you can only tell by their voices.In the timed mode Ewok Hunt, Stormtroopers suffer from the same mechanic, starting with 200 HP, but if pelted constantly by the Ewoks' attacks and traps, they will end up with even less than half that, making weakened Stormtroopers easy pickings for the sneaky little furballs.Palpatine's lightning strikes are capable of spreading to enemies next to the actual target.Master of None: Iden as a Hero unit has no dashing abilities like Force users, jumps like any other trooper, and has abilities that are marginally better than those found on regular troopers.Dressing as the Enemy: When infiltrating Bespin, Iden and Del knock out some Stormtroopers and decide to use their armor to sneak past security. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) (Video Game) - TV Tropes

battlefront 2 tv tropes
Image source: www.paradiseprivatehospital.com

This article is about the EA/Dice sequel to the 2015 reboot. For the game developed by ….A description of tropes appearing in Star Wars Battlefront II (2017)For many, Leia just doesn't have any useful abilities that would justify using her over a force-user or regular trooper.Visual Effects of Awesome: Similar to its predecessor, the graphics in the game are visually stunning.If anything, however, this backfired horribly on EA, since the massive popularity of Star Wars, especially with kids, simply made it into a bigger and more visible target, which brought the backlash against microtransactions and lootboxes in games to a wider audience when it had previously been restricted to a small subset of gamers.As you can imagine, this makes for top players getting only marginally better payout than the worst players.Of note, when she smiles and waves at him before opening fire on him with an AT-AT walker, he smirks before diving for cover.His main weapon can kill you in about a second if he gets on your tail, his missile weapon in almost a one hit kill, his ship is very quick and agile, and the airspace in which you fight him is mostly open, making it very easy for him to target you.

battlefront 2 tv tropes
Image source: www.mysterieuxetonnants.com

A page for describing YMMV: Star Wars Battlefront II (2017). Alternate Character Interpretation: Is Iden's Heel–Face Turn unearned? Given she's a woman …

Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) / Characters - TV Tropes

The characters from Battlefront II are listed below with the character page they are currently on.As Battlefront II contains a story mode, there is a second list for characters that appear in story mode Star Wars Battlefront II.

Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) / Nightmare Fuel - TV Tropes

Please don't list it on a work's trope example list.Stormtroopers start out stranded in the middle of the forest of Endor's moon at night, with only a searchlight to reliably let them see through the dark.Soon, they find themselves having to survive against an onslaught of adorable, but savage little critters that lurk in the dark, with only the yellow glint of their eyes visible if you don't expose them to your flashlight.Should one Stormtrooper player fall, they will instead respawn as an Ewok, gradually dwindling the Empire's numbers until no one is left.The Ewoks launch firefly-like Wisties (which retain their Legends counterpart's abilities of increasing their body heat to such a degree that they can burn anyone just by touching them) that constantly pester the Stormtroopers, and set up traps that go unnoticed in the pitch-black darkness of the forest. Battlefront.


Star Wars Battlefront (2015) (Video Game) - TV Tropes

Power Creep: The Heroes added in DLC had Traits, which improved their statistics as they killed enemies, while the six Heroes that came with the game itself were just left with static statistics.Both sides get intel from a variety of generic officers, but notably, Admiral Ackbar serves as part of mission control for the Rebels.This doubles as a Timed Mission, since the Empire can't permanently kill R2 and will only win if the Rebels take too long.He's also the slowest character in the entire game thanks to his size.Psychoactive Powers: Greedo's signature trait connects his confidence to what type of grenade he throws.They have high health, the ability to block incoming fire and (in some modes) healing pick-ups, but their defensive abilities leave them with a rather one-dimensional offensive moveset. Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron.

However, this unintentionally gives the weapon extremely wonky hit detection, as you can sometimes shoot an enemy in the torso and not deal any damage.Downplayed with Kashyyyk, which was more of an Early-Bird Cameo for the planet's proper debut in Revenge of the Sith; however, the movie's Kashyyyk battleground (depicted in the second game) was completely different from either of the playable maps in the first game.Not so much in the first game (they could only fire five missiles before having to reload), but in the second, it can unload dozens of missiles at a time at the expense of those missiles being nigh-impossible to aim.In their source game, the Phase II Dark Troopers (which this series' depiction of them are loosely based on design-wise) are depicted as one-man armies capable of wiping out a Rebel base in minutes (and while not as powerful in gameplay, are still among the more dangerous enemies in that game and can take a lot of punishment).The Space Battles include shuttles that can be landed in the enemy command ship and serve as footholds for Marines.

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Battlefront II for the sequel

A series of Video Games set in the Star Wars universe, developed by Pandemic Studios.A description of tropes appearing in Star Wars: Battlefront. The series …

A page for describing Characters: Star Wars Battlefront II (2017). All character tropes should go on the Star Wars character pages. The characters from ….

A page for describing NightmareFuel: Star Wars Battlefront II (2017). Story Mode In The Force Awakens, we had seen Kylo Ren use his Force mind trick on two ….

A description of tropes appearing in Star Wars Battlefront (2015). Star Wars Battlefrontnote Yes, it's the actual spelling instead of "Star Wars: …

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